Saturday, October 24, 2015


My Progress so far:

So far the easiest items on my list seems to be #3.

 #4 Has been the hardest.  A sweet friend said find something your passionate about and what brings you joy. UMMMMmmmm.... I feel bad. I am not passionate about anything.  I can't find my joy! UGH! That is horrible.  Isn't it? I love to laugh, I love making people laugh.  But to find MY JOY, what brings me joy? Is that even possible for someone to not find their joy? Well I guess it is, maybe #40 will be to find my joy.

#4 Volunteer:
 I did help out with the Women's Club at my daughter's old grade school.  I helped prep pumpkins for their family night selling pumpkins and having carving contests, I think I am going to count that. What about helping an older family member, who needs help or is just lonely.  Would that be considered volunteering?  I really don't know.  I do know I need to start doing that anyway.

I still need about 9 more items for my list to be complete.  Have any suggestions?  Come on share.  Am I just typing for myself, well probably.  I know how many views, most of them are me looking at my own blog. SMH really sad. 

I know they say you are losing it if you talk to yourself.  So if you are typing and answer yourself, does that mean you already lost it?  I really think it does.  Thanks. You're welcome.

Back to my list.

#9 Lose weight.  LOL seem to be going the WRONG direction on this one.

#31 Collect donations for Columbus' Nationwide Children's Hospital
I have finally bought some items.  WOO HOO.  Some family friendly dvds....almost said videos, shows my age right there. Got some monitory donations, to help me reach my goal.  I have until my birthday in JUNE, but I really like crossing things off.  So I might be hitting the after Christmas sales.  I asked at work if I could send out an email. NO.  I asked if I could put up a sign. NO.  All I can do is ask friends and my few twitter followers.  I guess I could buy BIG items that will fill up the boxes faster, lol. 

If someone does read my blabbering could you let me know?  Make suggestions, give me encouragement, prefer no nasty stuff- but I can't stop ya from doing that.  Just let me know, if I am at least entertaining you with my GREAT WIT...Hey I make myself laugh someone that's something I guess