Saturday, December 12, 2015

The list is Complete! Now to do all of them!

50 BEFORE 50
  1. Be thankful and grateful and be positive every day
  2. Hug my kids everyday
  3. 50 random acts of kindness- This isn't a new thing, I have been doing simple things buy someone's meal in the drive thru, hand out flowers, give money to someone at an off ramp.  The hard part is coming up with other more creative things on a budget. I have 2 done, might try to do one a day for the next 48 days. Please share any suggestions you might have. I will post when I do one but not what it was. I hope that isn't considered bragging. ////  ////  //// //// //// //// //// //// //// ////
  4. Volunteer-I love babies and animals, but haven't found a good fit yet, still researching this one.  I have some health issues that keep me from doing some things.  Working on figuring the actual cause of the problem.  It isn't anything major, that can effect anyone else.
  5. Stand up paddleboarding-Well I tried, I did sit down paddleboarding...

  6. Jet skiing

  7. Lose 50 lbs.-hopefully more, but that keeps with the theme
  8. Try all 30 shots on my Pinterest post, NOT AT ONCE //
  9. Learn Sign Language

  10. Take a water aerobics class

  12. Leave a note in a library book, or cash or gift card
  13. Learn to make my grandmother's lasagna 1/24/16
  14. Get a small, tasteful, possibly matching tattoo with my daughter on her 18th birthday
  15. Attend a Blue Jackets Game

  16. Visit Margaritaville in Cinci and attend a Reds game

  17. WIN A MAJOR JACKPOT LOTTERY-I believe it will happen to me!
  18. Drive a Can Am Spyder for a day!

  19. Rent or test drive my dream car -Maserati GranTurismo Convertible Sport preferably red

  20. Sit front row at a concert or play
  21. Zip the Mega Cavern in Louisville, KY

  22. Make a photobook with all my Grandmother's cookie, cakes and lasagna recipes
  23. Restore a rocker that belonged to a great, great, great (might be an extra GREAT, not sure)grandparent
  24. De-clutter and organize my home
  25. Get new laptop and sweepers
  26. Go to Clay Café with friends my girls-Jan 2, 2016 MOM DAY
  27. Go to one of those PaintNites with friends
  28. Sand and paint the desk in the garage
  29. Go to a real spa and have a mud bath.
  30. Go on a date.
  31. Donate items to Nationwide Children's Hospital from their Wish list.
  32. Visit 1 of my childhood homes
  33. Go out with friends at least 1 time a month. //
  34.  Try a meatball sub.
  35. Hang up my pictures.
  36. Have a campfire and cook smores.

  37. Start a blog....duh should have been #1.
  38. Try Broccoli - Still gross!

  40. Try new hair color
  41. Laptops for both girls
  42. Make homemade mac and cheese
  43. Try bacon brittle
  44. Try hot tea or a coffee and find one that I like. (didn't find one I like)
  45. Try Red Berry Sangria

  46. Go 48 hrs without tv or wifi or texting. (Thank Jeep Momma for the idea)
  47. Watch The Notebook, from beginning to end. Jan 3, 2016
  48. Finish a book required in high school I didn't read.
  49. Vegas!! or maybe the beach!