Friday, December 9, 2016

7 & 22 DONE These were tough

My 50 before 50 seems to be a 50 before 55. I need to change several.  I am thankful for finally finishing #7. That was the hardest.  Quit participating in work functions, not just for the weight issue but for the cost.  Eating half of what I would normally eat, especially when ordering out.  I don't always do my water aerobics class 3x per week, but I keep trying.  I finally got copies of all my grandmother's recipes and arranged them in a photobook, in an order that I am happy with. I tried to use the most vintage looking backgrounds. #50 is now to find a new place to live.  I chose to change the one that said to hang photos, as I will just have to take them down and box them in the next couple months.  I am still weeding out and trying to sell some furniture. (If you live in the Columbus, I have it listed on Craigslist and several online sites on Facebook) I will be selling more including knickknacks. Message me below if you need anything..
I am boring myself with this entry, so I will end it. Would love to hear from anyone else that is doing their own bucket list. Share you link in the comments and I will check it out.
  1. Be thankful and grateful and be positive every day
  2. Hug my kids everyday
  3. 50 random acts of kindness-
  4. Volunteer-
  5. Stand up paddleboarding-Well I tried, I did sit down paddleboarding...
  6. Jet skiing
  7. Lose 10 lbs at this point anything will do
  8. Try all 30 shots on my Pinterest post, NOT AT ONCE // 
  9. Learn Sign Language
  10. Take a water aerobics class
  11. Join postcrossing and collect postcards
  12. Leave a note in a library book, or cash or gift card
  13. Learn to make my grandmother's lasagna 1/24/16
  14. Get a small, tasteful, possibly matching tattoo with my daughter on her 18th birthday
  15. Attend a Blue Jackets Game
  16. Try Ohio Cryo
  17. Go on a ghost hunt
  18. Shoot a bow and Arrow
  19. Go to a cool flea market
  20. tba 
  21. Zip the Mega Cavern in Louisville, KY
  22. Make a photobook with all my Grandmother's cookie, cakes and lasagna recipes
  23. Restore a rocker that belonged to a great, great, great (might be an extra GREAT, not sure)grandparent
  24. De-clutter and organize my home
  25. Get new laptop and sweepers
  26. Go to Clay Café with friends my girls-Jan 2, 2016 MOM DAY DONE 2 x
  27. Go to one of those PaintNites with friends
  28. Sand and paint the desk in the garage
  29. Go to a real spa and have a mud bath.
  30. tba
  31. Donate items to Nationwide Children's Hospital from their Wish list.
  32. Visit 1 of my childhood homes
  33. Go out with friends at least 1 time a month.
  34.  Try a meatball sub.
  35. tba
  36. Have a campfire and cook smores.
  37. Start a blog....duh should have been #1.
  38. Try Broccoli - Still gross!
  39. Make a donation to Hero Box
  40. Try new hair color
  41. Laptops for both girls
  42. Make homemade mac and cheese
  43. Try bacon brittle
  44. Try hot tea or a coffee and find one that I like. (didn't find one I like)
  45. Try Red Berry Sangria
  46. Go 48 hrs without tv or wifi or texting. (Thank Jeep Momma for the idea)
  47. Watch The Notebook, from beginning to end. Jan 3, 2016
  48. Finish a book required in high school I didn't read.
  49. Throw my grandmother a 90th bday surprise party.
  50. Find a new place to live