Check and Check
Jan 2, 2016
I declared it MOM's Day! I chose what we were going to do and where we ate.
Side note: My kids HATE dining in places, they are the princesses of Drive-thru, that is totally my fault. My good friends will make excuses for me....Your a single mom, you work and have to run the girls around and you're tired, etc. YEP and YEP but other mothers seem to be able to make it work and cook real meals, me...not so much. That is a work in progress
Back to MOM's Day. So We hit Target, woohoo picked up necessities, Panera SIT IN for lunch....Did I mention that any complaining and I would add things on as we went. Panera having to go inside and eat, lol I knew I would get at least one more item to add on. Next we hit the Clay Café, there were no complaints. HMMMM. I only have been trying to get someone to go with me for a year. SMH. I took them and we had fun, they were creative and it was nice. So I didn't get to go with friends, but this turned out better.
OH the hardest part of the day for them was I CONTROLLED THE RADIO IN THE I might have to pull that one more often it was so nice not having to listen to the Beibs or 1D for a day.
I was a day out, I got company while I did stuff I needed to get done, they girls seemed to have a good time. Teens, hard telling.
Few other stops but not as much as I wanted. I had hoped for a movie, but over did it and my back was back to not cooperating. That is 51 FIX MY DANG BACK ISSUES
Jan 3, 2016
I just watched The Notebook from beginning to end. I thought I had seen all of it bits and pieces at a time. NOT. AND THE END....OMG. I don't know if it was because this TV version had 'extended scenes or what, but very little of it I had seen. I was bored thru most of it, sorry to those diehard fans. But the ending was good and sad.
2 things in 2 days checked off my list.
Still working on the Nationwide Children's wish list. I bought as many lotion and gel from the Bath and Body Works online sales over the Christmas season and I need to go drop off, because my girls are wanting very badly for some of the lotions. I got some other items, with my cousin's help. I got some books and dvd, nail polish, matchbox cars and some baby items. I may have to settle for one copy box of items. If you can donate take a look at my other blog, it gives the whole wish list. If you can't donate to Columbus Nationwide Children's Hospital, donate locally.
Also remember if you got new bedding for Christmas and want to get rid of old bedding or towels or washcloths, check with animal shelters near you or homeless shelters.
Comments are welcome below, but keep them kind. There is plenty of negativity in the world lets add positivity. Spell check let that word through so it must be a real word.
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